Friday, June 27, 2008

Boal Workshop Demonstration - Sunday, June 29 @ 3:30 pm

CMU Pre-College drama students are invited to a demonstration of an exciting theater workshop!
Sunday, June 29 at 3:30 pm - Rauh Theatre

This workshop uses the techniques of AUGUSTO BOAL, a Brazilian theatre director, writer, politician, social activist and theorist who has theatre centers in Rio de Janiero and Paris. His most well-know book "Theatre of the Oppressed," has been translated into 25 languages. Boal's world-famous methods transform theatre into a democratic arena where the spectator becomes the "spect-actor," contributing ideas, taking over roles, and using theatre to confront problems such as sexual harassment, racism, poor pay, homophobia, and all forms of exploitation or oppression. His belief that theatre enables us to create rather than wait for the future has inspired people all over the world to use his techniques in a multitude of settings. The company will create their own dramas, monologues, improvisations, songs and movement pieces to:

    Strenghten flexibility in imagination, concentration, physical freedom, and ensemble collaboration

    Present the work they have created to the students and faculty at CMU Pre-College

The company will be limited to 35 participants who will be selected during an audition on Tuesday, July 1 at 7pm in the Studio A (see the post below for information about the audition)

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